February, 1981, and we're living in Talavera de la Reina. I'm teaching English to two children whose parents own shops in the town. All of a sudden the doorbell goes and I find the parents standing in the doorway in shock, panic-stricken. "We've come to pick up our children, señora." "Yes, they need to come now. Right now. Hurry up!" "Why? What's happened?" I'm surprised to see the parents for they never burst in like that in the middle of a lesson. "Shots. There were shots fired in the Parliament in Madrid." "Nobody knows what is going to happen!" They all leave just as fast as they had appeared. I wonder what they're talking about, what's going on? The one person who'll know is the portero. He knows everything about everything and about everyone. Even what he doesn't know he makes up. Still, he's a good person to talk to. Downstairs I go to look for the portero. He's panic-...
A Memoir of Spain during the 70s and 80s.