Connie, the headmistress of the bilingual school where I teach is a canny businesswoman. When you first enter the school you see large framed posters of Oxford and Cambridge universities on the wall. They give the impression that she has graduated from one of these establishments. The oh, so wealthy Terrys and Osbornes who send their children to her school are quite impressed by the headmistress being a a posh English person with a fancy university degree. If only they knew! Connie doesn't have even an O level to her name. On top of that, she's not English. She's Welsh. Connie is absolutely brilliant at getting whatever she wants at a reduced price, or even for free. "It would be so lovely to have a piano. I wonder how expensive it would be to buy one?" She announces one day with a wistful smile. "We could offer piano lessons to the students. The parents would jump at the chance." Her eyes are twinkling as she calculates how much money she can ...
A Memoir of Spain during the 70s and 80s.